The Grey Expectations Crew – Cash The PRO

The Grey Expectations Crew – Cash The PRO

The Grey Expectations Crew – Cash The PRO

Cashmere The PROfessional

ALBUM ROLES: Emcee, Writer, PROfessional
Cash The Pro Facebook
Cash The Pro Twitter
Cash The Pro Instagram

“This most PROfessional of all mammals uses his extensive vocabulary, carefully crafted lyrics, and razor sharp delivery to sneak up on unsuspecting prey. Although he can be found lurking near office conference rooms, he is most comfortable in his native environments… the studio and the stage.”

– David Attenborough #BBC

Hello everyone, meet Cash The PRO aka #Cashmere The PROfessional. He’s the #grown man in the middle. He is one of the wolves in this band (Wolves & Sheep), and he’s not only one of the dopest rappers and writers on the planet, he’s my best friend. I met Cash online and we became really close when I moved to #Atlanta in 2000. We started making music together and have been best buds ever since.

Cash stopped making music a while ago, but he’s too damn talented to not have a dope project of this calibre on his resume, so I harassed him until he agreed to be on this album.

I can honestly say that this album would not be anywhere near as good without him on it. He’s taught me damn near everything I know about being a solid emcee. He used to murder me on every track, now I can hold my own with him… sometimes. 

Cash and I also recorded our first video podcast last week and we’ll be editing it and releasing soon… and we plan on doing it regularly. Our first topic of discussion was the dumpster fire known as #TheRiseOfSkywalker.

Say hello to one of Kai’s favorite uncles…. Uncle Cash!

– Tyler Durdin and Wolves & Sheep

The Grey Expectations Crew – Robin Eckman

The Grey Expectations Crew – Robin Eckman

The Grey Expectations Crew – Robin Eckman

Robin Eckman

ALBUM ROLES: Drums, Honey Drums, Percussion, Great Hair

Social Media Links
3rd Grade Friends Facebook
3rd Grade Friends Instagram
3rd Grade Friends Twitter

Hello everyone. Meet Robin Eckman. Robin no longer has a social media platform, so he gets to see nothing I write about him. 😁  He’s the guy in this photo with the great hair. Oh wait, he’s the only guy in this photo with hair. I met Robin through Joe Martin and their band 3rd Grade Friends. The first time I saw him play, I was blown away. Not long after that, we linked up to track drums for our song “Ration Day.” It was the first time I’d ever worked with him and he showed up prepared and absolutely crushed it!!!

Robin had never played drums on hip hop tracks prior to joining Wolves & Sheep, which shocked me because he was perfect for it. To put it bluntly, he’s TIGHT! He’s always in the pocket, his levels are always right where they need to be, and he has the innate ability to modify his tone so his drums become more than a backing track… cutting through the mix to become instruments of their own.

Robin will tell you otherwise (he’s extremely humble, almost to a fault), but he can do things on drums I’ve never seen or heard. If you ask almost anyone in the DMV area, they will tell you that Robin Eckman is the best drummer they’ve ever seen.

He almost wasn’t able to finish the album up with us due to tendonitis in his elbow, but I’ll save that story for a later date. Luckily he pushed through the pain and we’re all grateful he did because this album WOULD NOT be the same without his special sauce.

So say hi to Robin and thank him for sacrificing his body to finish this album with us!

– Tyler Durdin and Wolves & Sheep